Nothing gives me a high like finding the perfect piece at a thrift store


I own more books than I've read


If I could  I would move yearly to experience life in different places


The first show I ever went to see in the city was Bring Me The Horizon  (I'd do it again)


I was born in the city, raised in a small town and I'll forever be torn between the two. While I can’t get enough of the artistic, eclectic energy of the city, the small town girl in me is still drawn to wide open spaces with a view. I just might bring a bit of city to it so that you know, you get the best of both worlds! 

little bout me:

creeping it real
rule breaking mama
country boy loving
city slicking
small town living
about me
view the experience

It’s so much more than a job, and you are so much more than just another paycheque to me.  You are paving new roads. Lighting a fire under my ass to do more and be more because my whole world brightens every single time you put your trust in me. If you've worked with me you'll notice that my eyes literally light up in awe and amazement with the energy each and every one of you bring to the table. You show me different ways to love. You make the most ordinary things look like magic. The mystery of life lives on! Because of you I see the world through the eyes of my inner child. I only hope I can give this back to you in some way, through the experience, the photos, the friendship. More than that though, together we are doing some serious work by showing up as our authentic selves and hopefully inspiring a whole new world to do the same.  THAT'S HUGE. We are the #stayweird movement BBY!

To me, photography is the most fun filled way to
show off your cool.

I love being able to use locations with meaning. Familiar places with familiar faces.   The   places your heart feels the most alive.   Take me there! Show me the real you.